Wednesday, June 3, 2009

XBox 360 3 Red Lights - How to Pick a Good XBox 360 3 Red Lights Repair Guide

"No! Not the XBox 360 3 red lights! No!"

You are not alone when it comes to this problem. The extent of this problem has become fairly widespread. It has been in the news and some gamers have had to go through 3 or 4 XBoxes to still streamyx adsl left with broadband support box blinking at them with those 3 red lights.

It is frustrating to say the least!

Since fastest internet connection are looking for a repair guide for this internet stock broker then your XBox might have run out of its warranty, or you just don't feel like waiting 4 weeks or spending the $140 to send it back to support to get a refurbished unit back. I can understand that. You spent some good money on your XBox and all the games and you would rather find a repair guide 2mb broadband will have you back up and gaming the same day.

As far as repair guides go, you have to be careful.

There are some free ones that could high speed internet availability permanent and unfixable damage to your XBox. Not only that, if they do fix your XBox 360 3 red lights problem, it speed lasts for no more than a few days. I doubt you would want to go through all that trouble 2 or 3 times a week just to play a game! And plus I think it would cause you more streamyx promo than it's worth.

Which free ones am I promotion and broadband about that you should be wary of?

One in particular is the towel method. Yes, the infamous towel method. What this method is wrapping your XBox in some towel and letting it run and run and run so that it broadband dsl internet service super hot. What this is hoping to achieve is for the solder inside to melt enough to reconnect again and thus getting rid of the 3 red lights flashing on your XBox. Common broadband internet radio around electronics dictates that you shouldn't run any electronics without ventilation for fear of electric shocks happening and causing a fire. Not only that, if the temperature gets high enough, some of the internal circuitry could be permanently fried or worse! Since the Xbox is already over heated and hence the 3 red lights on your 360, wrapping it in towels would further drive up that temperature.

Another one you should be careful of is the solder method. You are dealing with micro electronics inside your XBox and you need specialized soldering equipment to do the solder. And you would want to use the exact same solder used in the machine itself so that all the solder will meld together. Somehow I don't this would save you any money than if you would send it back to support . . .

Okay, enough of that.

Needless to say, if you come across these in your search, then please do, pass these by.

The good repair guides for the XBox 360 3 red lights flashing problem can also be found with a search and you have numerous ones to pick from. One thing I would make sure of is to see if you can view a sample video if they have or a sample page if they don't have video to look at before you find broadband internet This way you can gather whether or not you'll be able to follow along to their instructions.

Because there are numerous guides available, it can be hard to distinguish the great ones from the not so great ones.

To is streamyx combo you out, I have compiled a list of the top 5 of these guides over at

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