Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What to Do in London?

London is a very cosmopolitan city. To get around London either walk, take the double-decker bus, ride in a taxi, or hop on the London Tube. Either way, you'll have an adventure in London!

One of London's most famous attractions is Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. In this museum you can mingle with the royal family and Hollywood A-listers like Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and Leonardo DiCarprio. If you're a sports fan, you'll love mingling with David Beckham, Muhammad Ali, and more. Love music? Hang out with Madonna, Britney Spears, and Elvis Presley. You're sure to have a rockin' great time!

There's plenty of shopping to do in London. You can shop at the most famous and luxurious store, Harrods. You'll find everything from food and wine to beauty and fragrances. You'll be glad that you traveled to London -- this store is a must see.

For a different experience, visit North West London's Camden Streamyx Promotion You'll find five busy open-air and indoor markets waiting for you. There's something for everyone at Camden Markets. If you love to dress in Goth clothing, they have stores that cater to you. If you're looking for unique furniture to fill your space, you'll find some great pieces within Camden Markets.

Traveling to London -- Here's What to do..

1. Visit Buckingham Palace.

2. Hang out in Hyde Park.

3. Shop at Harrods.

3. Go to the museums.

4. Visit St. Jame's Palace and St. Jame's Park.

5. Stop at the pubs.

6. Visit West Minster Abbey.

7. Take a ride on the London Eye.

8. Visit the Tower of London and see the Crown Jewels.

When you travel to London, leave room for some spontaneity. You don't want to plan your entire vacation because that would be boring. Go with the flow and enjoy London. If you don't get to do everything on your list, don't worry about it. Just plan another trip because you'll fall in love with London. You'll have a great time that you'll be planning your next vacation!


My name is Rebecca Sebek, and I am a writer first and a "niche" writer second. I am very passionate about many subjects such as art and culture, animal and human rights, personal developmen, travel, and health and wellness, just to name a few.

I enjoy lending my voice to those who cannot speak or who require someone else to speak on their behalf. Unfortunately, people hear but they do not always listen. Sometimes it takes a person with a little more "oomph" in their voice in packages for WiFi @ Home with Streamyx Combo to get a point across or change a policy.

I enjoy making a difference in the lives of people by leading, inspiring, and motivating them to live their life to the fullest. Change yourself, change the world!

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